2024 Scandinavian Coffee Assistance Needed

Dear beloved members of Bethesda,
I am writing to invite you to take part in the Scandinavian Coffee and Craft Fair 2024 which will be held Saturday, October 26th from 9:00am until 2:00pm. I know this might seem awfully early in the year, but this is our biggest annual fundraiser, so we need to start organizing efforts and calendars right away!
There are many positions yet to be filled and details to discuss, but most importantly, we need volunteers like you to make this fundraiser a success! No prior experience is required to join the baking workshops, and they are a great opportunity for fun and friendly fellowship with other Bethesda members. Even a few hours of your time really make a difference - many hands make light work! There are opportunities for youth and adults to get involved.
Please consider chairing or serving on one or more of the committees listed below.
Baking Workshop Leaders – Baking Workshop Leaders are responsible for planning and leading volunteers at designated baking workshop to create enough cookies to fill assortment boxes (200-400 of each), Tea-table (300 of each) and Bakeshop (300+ of each). Leaders are responsible for setting up kitchen and equipment before volunteers arrive, overseeing the production of baked goods, packing and storing baked goods, and cleaning up the kitchen when their workshop is over. As well as tracking attendance of workshop and writing a report for the baking workshop binder. Binders with recipes available for pick-up in the Women’s Ministries room (207). Each Baking Workshop Leader will decide the date and time for their workshop to be held. We need Baking Workshop Leaders for the following products: Kringla, Potato Cakes, Ginger Snaps.
Baking Workshop Leaders
Krumkake - Carolyn Ahlstrom & Elaine Edwards Kingla - LEADER NEEDED
Rosettes - Lindsay Peters Potato Cakes - LEADER NEEDED
Lefse - Vicki John & Dorothy Dyer Hansen Ginger Snaps - LEADER NEEDED
Spritz - Janice Ballantyne & Elaine Edwards Assortment Box Assembly - Randi Peters & Darlene
Tea Rings - Gretchen Mosher Wolters
This chairperson is responsible for coordinating a group of volunteers to wipe down tables, put away furniture and assist with clearing decorations and/or transporting them to storage areas, and removing signs. (Starting with bringing in the Dala horses from outside.), as well as coordinating efforts with Boy Scouts.
The position is responsible for taking pictures at the baking workshops, set-up and decorating, coordinating with the Publicity Chair for slide show pictures, and taking pictures on the day of the event.
This chairperson is responsible for creating and distributing Scandinavian Coffee publicity through posters, Facebook page, local magazines and newspapers, and getting the banner updated with correct dates and times. Also working with Tess and the SC Photographer to create a slide show for Bethesda Commons with pictures from the various Scandinavian Coffee set-up, decorating, and workshops to be shown during the event.
Decorating Committee- This committee is responsible for taking decorations out of storage to decorate the church for the event. They are also responsible for returning decorations to their designated storage place after the event. Each committee member is responsible for their designated area. These areas include:
• Grandma’s Attic - Kathy Harris & Nancy Jansen
• Bakeshop - Vicki & Lance John
• Commons - Joyce Vegge
• Upstairs Hallway - VOLUNTEER NEEDED
Bake Shoppe - Gretchen Mosher
This chairperson is responsible for staffing the bakeshop with volunteers, coordinating storage and baked goods inventory with the bakeshop leaders and BW Coordinator, pricing baked goods to be sold, and coordinating bake goods drop-off, ordering packaging supplies and assembling and filling assortment boxes. This chair will also need to organize training for Square (point of purchase system).
Meatball Window - Lindsay Peters & Brad McDonald
This chairperson is responsible for requesting a meatball donation from Burke as well as ordering meatballs for purchase (matching requested donation or more), coordinating pick-up of ordered meatballs and payment. Day of event, this Chair will help prepare meatballs and sides (bread, potatoes, etc) to sell from the Bethesda kitchen window and oversee the serving and selling of meatballs and sides.
Brew Crew - Richard Roepke & Yamilet Lopez
The Coffee Brewing Crew Chair is responsible for coordinating volunteers to help brew coffee, fill water stations, the purchase of the coffee to be served, and the purchase of coffee related items.
Dish Pit - Steve Peters
This chairperson is responsible for coordinating volunteers to help collect and wash all dirty dishes, running the commercial dishwasher, determining which items are dishwasher safe, washing non-dishwasher safe items by hand, and putting dishes away after event.
Tea Table - Diane Hinderaker
This Chairperson is responsible for decorating the Tea-table, polishing and setting the silver coffee service set, linens for tea-table, coordinating volunteers to tray the cookies and restock the table, scheduling tea pourers, keeping count of how many patrons have been serviced (counting plates), cutting apples and cheese, and collecting offerings. Also scheduling greeters for the doors and halls.
Donations/Baking Supplies/Kitchen Coordinator – Lindsay Peters
This chairperson is responsible for shopping for baking supplies requested by baking workshop leaders, inventory of baking supplies, kitchen, inventory of baked goods made in workshops, coordination of freezer space, help recruit volunteers and publicize baking workshop schedule, scheduling kitchen with church office. Also responsible for requesting donations from local grocery and convenience stores for baking supplies, bread, milk, potatoes, etc.
Treasurer – Janice Ballantyne & Vicki Sivesind
This position is responsible for coordinating cash banks for the bakeshop and collection from kitchen, Bakeshop, Tea Table offering, and Grandma’s Attic, collecting receipts for reimbursement, counting money, reconciling credit card transactions, depositing event profits, and generating a financial report. Also responsible for payment to entertainment (Fiddler).
Grandma's Attic/Craft Fair Coordinator – Jeanne Stewart
This Chairperson is responsible for coordinating vendor spaces with church office, recruiting vendors, collecting vendor fees, coordinating with Publicity chair to advertise vendors, coordinating with set-up for vendor tables and chairs, communicating any special needs from vendors (electricity, carts, Wi-Fi) and placing signs attracting patrons.