Tanzania Ministries Update

The Tanzania Ministry Team has recently had some opportunities to help our friends in the Shighatini Parish. The first opportunity came in January when our friend Harrison asked if we knew any charities who could provide hearing aids for a parishioner. Zawadi had become very ill at the end of 2023 and as a result, lost a portion of her hearing. The ministry team decided to give her the $200 that it cost to see an audiologist and get fitted for hearing aids. Zawadi is happy to report that she can hear everything now, and she is appreciative of the generosity of Bethesda.
The second opportunity came in March when the team discussed providing a laptop for our scholarship recipient, Vida. Vida is attending nursing school and while a computer is not required, it makes her studies easier. The ministry team gave Vida $500 that she used to buy a new laptop and she is overjoyed to have this new tool as she continues with school. She wants to thank Bethesda for the support and promises to pass all of her exams.
Along with the computer money, our annual donation of $1200 was sent to the Shighatini Women’s Group as they prepare to sew uniform pieces for children in the community. The group has already started the process of identifying the children who need new uniform pieces so they can finish out this school year and begin again in July. Pictures of the distribution will be shared when we get them.
And finally, an update from our Tanzania Youth Trip that took place in 2019. Bethesda partnered with St. Andrews on this trip and the group was able to meet the parishioners of the Agape Church in Kongei. In 2019, the congregation was just starting to build their new church and our youth were able to help build the walls by passing buckets of cement. Earlier this year, Carol Putz, a member of St. Andrews, sent us a current picture of the church. As you can see, it is not finished, but it looks quite different. We thank Carol for this special update.